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Pediatric Microcephaly

At Children’s Health, we treat all types of microcephaly during your pregnancy, the postnatal period and beyond. Doctors all over North Texas – and even outside the state – refer families to us for our expertise in treating babies and children with microcephaly. Our goal is to help every child with microcephaly reach their full potential.

What is Pediatric Microcephaly?

Microcephaly is a rare condition that occurs when a baby’s head and brain are smaller than normal for the baby’s age. It can result from infections or very rare genetic syndromes.

Microcephaly comes from “micro,” meaning small, and “cephaly,” meaning head. The term describes a baby’s head that is smaller than expected compared to other babies of the same gender, ethnic background and age.

The size of a baby’s head is largely determined by brain growth. If something causes a baby’s brain to develop abnormally in the womb, the baby's head may be smaller than is typical.

A smaller brain can cause developmental and intellectual difficulties. Microcephaly can range from mild to severe.

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