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Pediatric Craniosynostosis

What is Pediatric Craniosynostosis?


The skull is formed by several separate bones. These skull bones are connected to one another by specialized structures called sutures. These sutures look like seams or spaces between the skull bones. The sutures are growth centers for the skull bones. Craniosynostosis is present when one or more of the sutures closes earlier than it should causing the skull to grow into an abnormal shape.


Babies' brains grow very quickly in the first two years of life. As the brain grows it stretches the sutures which signals the sutures to make new bone. The sutures allow the skull to enlarge and create just enough space for the brain. Normally, these sutures remain open until we reach adulthood, long after the brain and skull have stopped growing. Craniosynostosis causes a baby’s skull to be misshapen because the brain continues to grow at the same rate even if one or more sutures closes too early.


The remaining open sutures have to grow faster to make up for the closed suture. This extra growth causes a change in head shape. In some cases, the remaining open sutures can’t grow fast enough to keep up with the brain’s growth causing an abnormally high pressure in the skull, which can have negative effects on brain health. These include learning delays, blindness, and, rarely, death, if untreated.

Meet some of the patients we have treated to become familiar with what you can expect if your child is affected with craniosynostosis.

See craniosynostosis before and after photos

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