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Pediatric Obstructive Uropathy

Obstructive uropathy is a condition that causes a blockage in the flow of urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

What is Pediatric Obstructive Uropathy ?

When the flow of urine is blocked in the bladder, ureter or urethra, it is called obstructive uropathy. Normally, your child’s urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder through the ureter. Obstructive uropathy causes the urine to reflux, or flow backward, into the kidneys. This condition can happen in a child of any age and can even affect an unborn child in their mother’s womb.

Obstructive uropathy can affect one or both of your child’s kidneys and symptoms may occur suddenly, or happen gradually over time. When urine backs up into the kidneys, it can lead to hydronephrosis (swelling in the kidneys) and damage to the kidneys.

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