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Pediatric Muscular Dystrophy (MD)

Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of genetic conditions that cause increasing muscle loss. Children's Health℠ has one of the most comprehensive pediatric MD teams in Texas, caring for kids from diagnosis through their transition to adult care.

While there’s no cure for muscular dystrophy in children, we provide the latest therapies to manage symptoms and help slow the course of the disease. Together, we help children retain their strength, prepare for changes and live their healthiest life.

What is Pediatric Muscular Dystrophy?

When a child has muscular dystrophy, their body doesn’t produce the proteins they need to form healthy muscles. Muscle cells die and are replaced by fat cells. At Children’s Health, our combined expertise of specialists from neurology, cardiology, pulmonology, rehabilitation and other disciplines coordinate patient care.

Children’s Health is home to the only Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) clinic in Texas, certified by the Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy as offering best practices in care.

We prioritize normalizing everyday tasks and experiences like getting ready for school, eating, playing with friends and getting around the community.

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