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Pediatric Kidney Failure

Pediatric kidney failure is a condition in which 85 to 90 percent of kidney function is lost due to a condition or injury. It requires a transplant or dialysis for the kidney to function properly.

What is Pediatric Kidney Failure?

Kidneys play five key roles that are essential for good health:

  • Remove waste and fluid from the blood

  • Control blood pressure

  • Create a hormone that tells bone marrow to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen from your lungs throughout your body

  • Keep bones healthy by making an active form of vitamin D

  • Control pH levels in the body

When various conditions, diseases or injuries erode kidney function enough that kidneys fail, a patient will require a transplant or dialysis to function properly.  

Kidney failure is not sudden, it takes place over time. Kidney failure is the last stage of chronic kidney disease. It’s also known as end stage renal failure or ESRD.

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