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Pediatric Dravet Syndrome

Dravet syndrome is a rare, severe form of epilepsy in children. Children with this genetic syndrome have frequent seizures that can last up to 45 minutes or longer.

Our experts at Children's Health provide the most advanced procedures and therapies in our region to treat children with Dravet syndrome. We have nationally recognized epilepsy centers at our Dallas and Plano locations, meaning you and your child can expect the highest quality of care.

What is Pediatric Dravet Syndrome?

Dravet syndrome appears in the first year of life in an otherwise healthy baby. Fever or infection triggers a very long seizure (a quick, uncontrollable disturbance in the brain). Children with Dravet syndrome often need to go to the emergency room because their seizures are so long (usually between 30 and 45 minutes). Most children with Dravet syndrome develop a developmental disability as they grow older. These developmental issues are related to the intense and frequent seizures and the genetic mutation, which impacts brain development.

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