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Pediatric Anencephaly

Anencephaly is a birth defect in which part of the brain and the skull are not fully developed.

What is Pediatric Anencephaly?

If you baby is born with anencephaly, it means part of their brain and the skull that surrounds the brain are not fully formed. Anencephaly is a neural tube defect (brain or spinal cord) that affects your baby early during pregnancy.

In most cases of anencephaly, all or part of the brain that enables vision, hearing, thinking and movement — called the cerebrum — is missing. In addition, the skull bones that cover the back of the head are missing. Sometimes, skull bones on the side and front of the head may also be absent.

Risk Factors

Your child may be at risk for a neural tube defect and anencephaly if you had a previous child with a neural tube defect. Neural tube defects can be caused by an inherited genetic defect and/or environmental factors.

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