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Pediatric Alopecia

What is Pediatric Alopecia?

Alopecia means hair loss and alopecia in children can be caused by a variety of conditions. For most children, doctors can identify one of the following issues:

  • Tinea capitis – This is sometimes called “ringworm” (a fungal infection) of the scalp. You may notice round or oval scaly patches of hair loss on your child’s head, and the hair may be broken, leaving black spots on the scalp. This condition is contagious.

  • Alopecia areata – This is a non-contagious hair loss condition thought to be caused by your child’s own immune system attacking his or her hair follicles. You may notice a sudden appearance of round or oval patches of hair loss that are smooth (no scaling or broken hairs).

  • Trichotillomania – This non-contagious form of hair loss is caused by a child pulling, plucking or otherwise removing his or her own hair. You may notice patchy hair loss with broken hairs. This is frequently triggered by stress or anxiety.

  • Telogen effluvium – This condition can be caused by extreme stress (high fever, severe injury, surgery, death in the family, or reaction to some prescription medication) that interrupts the normal hair growth cycle. Hair follicles stop growing and, several weeks after the stressful event, you may notice your child’s hair shedding excessively – sometimes leading to partial or total baldness.

  • Nutritional deficiency – This is a less common cause in children, but a deficiency in biotin or zinc – or excess vitamin A in the body – can lead to hair loss.

  • Endocrine problems – Hypothyroidism can occur in children and lead to hair loss. This is a condition in which the thyroid is underactive and not producing enough hormones to regulate metabolism.

  • Non-medical hair loss – There are some causes of hair loss that will resolve on their own. Many newborns lose hair during their first few months, and this is replaced with permanent hair. Babies can also get bald spots from friction with a crib mattress or car seat. And children of any age can have mild hair loss from pulling the hair too tightly into ponytails or braids or brushing it roughly.

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