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Pediatric Alagille Syndrome

Alagille syndrome can affect multiple organs in the body. At Children's Health℠, kids with Alagille syndrome are seen by liver, heart, kidney and other experts who address all their health needs as one team so they can grow up healthy and happy.

What is Pediatric Alagille Syndrome?

Alagille syndrome is a genetic disorder that usually affects the development and function of the liver. Specifically, it makes it hard for the liver to pass bile — a substance made by the liver that helps the body digest food and process waste — to the small intestine. This is because the liver has smaller or fewer bile ducts (tubes) than normal.

This can affect the body in lots of different ways. For example, the skin may become yellow or itchy, the liver may become enlarged and lose function, and the body may not absorb fats and vitamins as well.

Alagille syndrome can affect other organs too. This includes the heart, where issues can range from a harmless heart murmur to structural defects that require surgery.

Because the variety of potential symptoms and health impacts is so wide, children with Alagille syndrome should receive care from a multidisciplinary team, who can care for their full range of needs.

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